Our workouts templates are designed to promote muscle growth and strength. With added muscle, the body increases its metabolic rate. As we age, we have a tendency to consume the same amount of calories, but we do not exert the same amount of energy expenditure. This leads to unwanted changes in our body's composition. This is observable in excessive body fat, age related muscle loss, or both. Through resistance training and cleaning up our diets, we can overcome unwanted body fat and slow the rate of age related muscle loss. 

Form, form, and more form! We pay close attention to movement form to identify weaknesses that create imbalances which can lead to reduced performance. If our body is working properly, we are more likely to use it for rigorous activity. The benefits of our training help individuals pursue the things they love to do, like being more active with children and grandchildren, hiking through the mountains, or simply looking and feeling their best! Moving effortlessly and not laboriously can be obtainable. 


A great 3-days per week template is push/pull/leg split. Push days focus on the chest, shoulder, and triceps muscle groups. Pull days focus on the back and biceps muscle groups. Leg days focus on the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.

A person might choose to workout out more than 3-days per week. To use a push/pull/legs split, simply workout 2-on-1-off and rotate training sessions. (i.e., PUSH, PULL, OFF, LEGS, PUSH, OFF, PULL, LEGS, OFF. Write it out on a calendar and you will see how easy this template is to follow!


Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates preferred a 2-on-1-off split designed this way: Day 1: Chest/biceps; Day 2: legs; Day 3: OFF, Day 4: Back/rear delt; Day 5: Shoulders/triceps; Day 6: OFF. If you prefer a 7-day week, one might apply an additional rest day.


My SUPER SYSTEM strength training template is much more complicated. Day 1: Squat; Day 2: Bench press;, Day 3 OFF; Day 4: Deadlift; Day 5: Overhead Press; Day 6: OFF. 

With the above format in mind, I rotate athletes weekly between a repetition week, max-effort week, and dynamic effort weekly workouts. My system is proven effective and can assist in developing a bulletproof athlete. 

If you are interest in higher performance levels, please contact me to open a dialogue!